
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Das Deutsche Kinder TV Massaker - Childhood Brainwash Part 1

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We all do it. Light up a big one or pour another glass of red - 3 - 2 - 1 - Takeoff! for The Big Nostalgia Rocket to Planet Youth on Youtube. You start with one video and that will then take you to the next one and the next one and the next one.. until you suddenly watch Techno Viking - again. Time to log off and finally crawl to bed.

Here is my midnight journey, remembering little supaswag sitting on the sofa in rural Germany somewhere in the 70s, taking it all in.. TV Hell & Heaven.

Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer / Augsburger Puppenkiste
This is non stop top notch super psychedelic German puppet theatre action. Locomotives - Dragons - Giants - Pirates.. wowser!  This is one story of plenty. The Augsburger Puppenkiste [Augsburg's Pupper Box] adapted countless children books during the 60s, 70s and 80s and every German kid was hooked. I bought a DVD box set for our toddler and she LOVES it. 

Paulchen Panter - Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?
Yes, it's dubbed with a demented German song. Of course! EVERYTHING in Germany was dubbed. That's why we didn't learn proper English as kids, unlike kids growing up in Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, etc. All dubbing, especially cartoons was also diabolical. Bit like Carry On for Kids. But I didn't care, I watched the unfolding anarchy and thought every second was hilarious.

Väter der Klamotte
Black & white slapstick heaven. Saucy beginning, lady's legs, pies in the face, mental stunt action, people generally behaving like they dropped a massive dose of acid.. I could watch this all day long. How did they do this nearly a hundred years ago? No CGI baby.

Ratz und Rübe / Rappelkiste
Rappelkiste [Rattlebox] was the archetypical 70s liberal urban kids show. It was always about kids' solving problems amongst themselves or with the grown-up world. Kids were always supposed to make noise and be as anarchic as they needed to be while discovering the world - which had to be questioned. This episode for example is actually exposing the injustices of capitalist relations of production, VAT and the exploitation of workers. Heavy stuff simplified. Wowsers!

The title sequence looks like kids playing in a post-apocalyptic city - which made it even more exciting for me because I lived in a small village, miles away from these cool concrete jungle kids.

[Der] Kli-Kla-Klawitter [Bus]
The title song is - once heard - never forgotten and will come back even after 40 years to haunt you. Another urban reality classic. In this episode an Italian family moves in next door and we learn something about respecting foreign customs. Or something.

Sitting care-free on a sofa in front of a flickering light, a little person out of time and space.. you know, when they always ask "What period of life were you the happiest?" - this is one of them. 

Das Deutsche Kinder TV Massaker - Childhood Brainwash